Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 37


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features a trUly BEaUtiful story of generosity and goodness. Cobey Thomas is a “gentle giant” with non-verbal autism that LOVES to swing. At 6’10” he has outgrown traditional swing sets, but Mr. Handyman from Knoxville, Tennessee stepped in and saved the day! You’ll have to watch and read the subtitles for the best news of all!!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 36


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features Elizabeth Smart’s story of overcoming trauma. Kidnapped at 14-years-old, she nows speaks out on behalf of victims and shares her story of how forgiveness helps you rise above your tragedy and sorrow.

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 35


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features a story making the rounds on Facebook about Mr. Rogers. I cannot locate the original author or citation, but this is the story below.

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I don’t mean to dishonor the other stories here. But there is one I wanted to add.

A good portion of my pro-bono work is defending abused children. It’s a cause close to my heart. In the course of my work I met a man who was an adult survivor. You wouldn’t have known it looking at him. He was this gigantic Polynesian guy. Wild curly hair. I think of him every time I see Khal Drogo on GoT. He was counseling some of the little kids, and doing a fantastic job of it.

I visited his home to get his opinion on something and I noticed a little toy on his desk. It was Trolley. Naturally curious, I asked him about it. This is what he told me:

“The most dangerous time for me was in the afternoon when my mother got tired and irritable. Like clockwork. Now, she liked to beat me in discreet places so my father wouldn’t see the bruises. That particular day she went for the legs. Not uncommon for her. I was knocked down and couldn’t get back up. Also not uncommon. She gave me one last kick, the one I had come to learn meant ‘I’m done now’. Then she left me there upstairs, face in the carpet, alone. I tried to get up, but couldn’t. So I dragged myself, arm over arm, to the television, climbed up the TV cabinet and turned on the TV.

“And there was Mr. Rogers. It was the end of the show and he was having a quiet, calm conversation with those hundreds of kids. In that moment, he seemed to look me in the eye when he said ‘And I like you just for being you’. In that moment, it was like he was reaching across time and space to say these words to me when I needed them most.

“It was like the hand of God, if you’re into that kind of thing. It hit me in the soul. I was a miserable little kid. I was sure I was a horrible person. I was sure I deserved every last moment of abuse, every blow, every bad name. I was sure I earned it, sure I didn’t deserve better. I *knew* all of these things … until that moment. If this man, who I hadn’t even met, liked me just for being me, then I couldn’t be all bad. Then maybe someone could love me, even if it wasn’t my mom.

“It gave me hope. If that nice man liked me, then I wasn’t a monster. I was worth fighting for. From that day on, his words were like a secret fortress in my heart. No matter how broken I was, no matter how much it hurt or what was done to me, I could remember his words, get back on my feet, and go on for another day.

“That’s why I keep Trolley there. To remind me that, no matter how terrible things look, someone who had never met me liked me just for being me, and that makes even the worst day worth it to me. I know how stupid it sounds, but Mr. Rogers saved my life.”

The next time I saw him, he was talking to one of my little clients. When they were done with their session, he helped her out of her chair, took both of her hands, looked her in the eyes and said: “And remember, I like you just for being you.”

That, to me, is Mr. Rogers’ most powerful legacy. All of the little lives he changed and made better with simple and sincere words of love and kindness.

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 33


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* might require a tissue or two. Folks, this is what restoration  and redemption look like when a whole community joins in…

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 32


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* might require a tissue or two! This precious little girl named Abigail is fighting an incurable cancer, and the Freeport Police Department made her dream of becoming a police officer come true and stands beside her as she fights “the bad guys” in her body!!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 30


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features the incredible story of a group of snorkelers who freed a small humpback whale from a large fishing net. It took them hours of work to free this majestic animal, but in the end their hard work was rewarded with an hour long show of breaches and pectoral fin and tail slaps!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 28


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features the story of a determined young man named Jake Javier, a patient in an experimental stem cell research program at Keck Hospital of University of Southern California. This young man’s determination and positive spirit are inspiring, to say the least!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 26


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features an inspiring story of Beth James, a mother “determined to give her [daughter] the most beautiful life.” After a terrible car accident left her daughter Liza unable to walk and talk, her mother began to enter the duo into biathlons and triathlons. Even more than that… the mother-daughter team has now become the first physically-challenged team to finish the Ironman, a grueling competition that includes a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run. There are many folks who enter this race and are unable to finish, but Beth and Liza did!! Together! Watch the whole story here!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 25


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features Christian Bagg, a one-time semi-professional mountain biker and snowboarder who injured himself snowboarding. He now creates adaptive mountain bikes, giving others the freedom he once desired and now enjoys for himself!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 22


Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* features a wonderful story of restoration. And the “main character” in this story is quite possibly the cutest little thing ever! ENJOY!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 20


With today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* we are back at Goalcast with 12-year-old author, artist and motivational speaker Nyeeam “King Nahh” Hudson.

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 18


Happy New Year!! Today’s Kintsugi of the Soul* is a short clip from the Steve Harvey TV Show about a young man named Walter whose will-power and determination inspired multiple acts of kindness and compassion. The story reminds us there is a lot of good in the world. This is an interview you don’t want to miss!

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 16


As we journey through the CHRISTmas season, in today’s Kintsugi of the Soul,* we hear the story of a miraculous healing of Amber Nesbitt during the Christmas season 2005:

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 11


“Your life’s not over…
it’s just that you have to live it a new way.”
~ TBI patient Joseph Maxim

Today’s edition of Kintsugi of the Soul is a story that is so inspiring… the power of creation… recreation… sport… finding your purpose beyond brokeness… and HOPE!!

“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable.
A perpetual series of occasions for hope.”

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Kintsugi of the Soul, edition 5


This week’s Kintsugi of the Soul features a man many of you have probably already heard about, Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms or legs. The first video is him speaking at Saddleback Church. It’s a long video so if you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing this week, at least tune in for the first six and a half minutes. God is using him to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to millions of people worldwide; protect the unborn; and influence those in powerful positions. His goal is to preach the Gospel to everyone across the globe… 7 billion people! To this point over a half million have put their faith in Jesus Christ through his evangelism efforts!! Praise God!

Note: in his intro video he speaks about John 9, which is one of the Bible Studies in chapter 7 of my most recent book, The Creator’s Healing Power—Restoring the Broken to Beautiful.

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Practicing the Presence of God through Creative Prayer Stations


“Practicing the Presence” was created for a Healing Care Ministries seminar called The Essentials. The essence of this seminar to help those in caregiving ministries understand how to position people for lasting, healing change, particularly through engaging the right hemisphere of the brain through creative spiritual practices. “Practicing the Presence” was done each morning in lieu of traditional worship. Each day is spent focusing on one member of the Trinity with the following themes: Creator God, Christ our Royal Redeemer, and Holy Spirit, Flame of Love.

Included here are resources, coloring pages, accompanying scriptures and photographs so you can recreate this for your own church or ministry. Hand-outs are provided and can be used with permission by leaving the website and copyright information intact at the bottom of each page. Coloring pages were created by Pauline Mae Blankenship (©2018) for “Practicing the Presence,” and if you have The Creator’s Healing Power—Restoring the Broken to Beautifulyou will recognize these coloring pages from the book. She has graciously offered them for our use, and you will find links within each section below.

Each day we started in silence, which was broken with Lectio Divina. Then participants were released to explore creative prayer stations. Every day, one station included a cross with artwork to create a space where folks could kneel and pray, and another included the coloring pages at two large tables with coloring supplies:

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Create-A-Day: your daily dose of creativity #248 — Jesus as a Work of Art


S x baby jesusHave you ever thought about the “creation” of Christ? Not as God but as a human, a baby, born in a manger, as the scripture says? Who decided what he would look like, his smile, the color of his eyes, the shape of his tiny nose? Did he and God the Father put their heads together and say, “This is what God Incarnate should look like.” Or did God simply say, “Let me surprise you, Son”?

Just some thoughts to ponder as I direct you to a short CHRISTmas devotional called Christ Jesus — a Work of Art. May you be blessed as you consider this most precious gift the world has ever received!

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Create-A-Day #247: ADVENTure Prayer Walk 5 — the CHRIST Candle


Advent BabyJesus strawADVENTure is a self-directed prayer walk pondering the true meaning of Christmas. You can read all about it here, as well as learn how you can do this as interactive prayer walk for your church or ministry.

This week is CHRISTmas! Our Savior has come!! Hallelujah! As we consider the true meaning of CHRISTmas we light the CHRIST Candle at the center of the Advent Wreath. The One we have waited for has come!

The Christ Candle

Read: Luke 2:1-7


We typically reflect on Christ in his years of ministry – as a grown man. The man who walked among his people, healing them, teaching them, forgiving them and loving them.

Have you ever stopped to consider Christ as a baby?

an infant?

tiny and helpless?

dependant on others to care for him?

to love him and nurture him? Continue reading

Create-A-Day: your daily dose of creativity #244 — More Advent Resources!

LEAD Advent Resource Artwork by Vonda Drees

LEAD Advent Resource
Artwork by Vonda Drees

Directing you to LEAD: Living Every day As Disciples to yet another creative Advent resource! Look for Advent & Lenten Resources (under the “Resources” tab) which includes contemplative prayer liturgies and accompanying creative experiences for your use during Advent. Free printables for coloring, downloadable liturgies for bulletins, links to videos — everything is there for you! This is an amazing resource for use in your church, ministry or family!

Another resource added 2018: a free online resource from Brenda Warren of Saintsbridge. 40 Days of Advent devotionals called “Celts to the Creche” is inspired by Celtic and Anglo-Saxon saints. This pilgrimage to the creche in Bethlehem begins November 16.  Continue reading