Poem ‘She dances’ ~ Lilly Hope Lucario


My next book is all about healing from trauma using the creative process. This poem is a perfect example of it. And it is…
So incredibly powerful… so trUly BEaUtiful….
From blogger Lilly Hope Lucario at

Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

Sad Ballet

Ballet, dancing – was my saving grace, while enduring child sexual abuse by an old man paedophile, for several years ending at approx age 12.

She Dances ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

In her garden
Of evil

Of gods and monsters
Evil presides

No safety
No protection
No rescue


Deep pain
Seared into
Her fragile soul
Unable to cope
Verbally suppressed

She dances

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6 thoughts on “Poem ‘She dances’ ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

  1. Diane

    Jodi–Thank you for posting Lilly’s poem and site. It is really a God-send. I have been on a healing journey for so long and some of the sites I have gone to were less than healing for me. Finally a site, blog and information that is helpful and God based!! Thank you again.
    Diane Gaffney

  2. Diane

    Jodi–are you taking any contributions of poetry or art for your book??? I would be willing to share my poetry or art with you for consideration if you are—-none of it is published or spoken for.

    • Hi Diane! I did take poetry and art (in the form of coloring pages) from a variety of folks along the way. Unfortunately that phase of writing, editing and compiling is done. And I’m in the process of formatting and typesetting now. Perhaps I need to set up guest posts on this site????? Diana, don’t let me forget that idea for the future — I think it would be amazing!!
      Blessings, Jody

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